Training Course
SEE - Skills for Education & Employment

What is the SEE program?
The Skills for Education and Employment program is commonly known as the SEE Program.
We work with all students as they benefit from the learning journey to improve their oral language, reading, writing, numeracy and digital literacy skills by empowering them with the training needed to engage in employment and/or further education.
The learning journey includes conversation, engaging with others, routines & expectations, roles & responsibilities, processes & procedures – skills needed within the community and workplace.
What’s the cost for the SEE program?
SEE is Free!
The Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.
What is the eligibility criteria for the SEE program ?
o an Australian citizen or
o a permanent visa holder or
o on a provisional or temporary visa with working rights and eligible for the Adult Migrant English Program
o a Pacific Australian Labour Mobility visa holder.
And be:
o aged over 15 years and left school, and
o need help with your reading, writing, maths, English language or digital skills
Can someone do the SEE program on a part-time basis ?
Yes, the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program is offered both full time and part time, ranging from 10 to 25 hours per week depending on participants availability/ scheduled classes also we can offer the program as a blended model as well.
Can someone do the SEE program if they currently working part time/casual ?
Yes, if they meet the eligibility criteria above, they can enrol in the SEE program. There is also an option for us to deliver the SEE program in the workplace.
Can a person with a disability do the SEE program ?
The SEE program caters to various groups of clients; mature-aged, people with disabilities and job-seekers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. SEE is for everyone, not just Non-English speaking clients – many of our students are Australian born and speak English.
A Pre-Training assessment is conducted to identify participants skills’ gaps/needs to ensure the SEE program would benefit and is suitability.
I’m not sure if the SEE program is suitable, what should I do ?
Even if you’re unsure if the SEE program is suitable, we conduct a comprehensive Pre-training Assessment (PTA) to ensure the program will benefit the participant as well as identify skill gaps before enrolment is completed.
Key Details
2025 - Pending Expressions of Interest (EOI)
SWN - 371 Brighton Road, Pontville, TAS.
FREE! - $0
Futher Information
Further information about this course (including eligibility, structure, delivery and assessment details) is available in a PDF format via the link below.